Create an atmosphere: on a Friday with a rising moon, switch off the phone, calm and relaxed. All the time in the world for you…. put on some romantic music, distribute several pink, white and red candles in your bathroom. Light love incense.

Then prepare a mixing potion:

1 cup of water (mineral or spring water)

3 tablespoons of honey

3 tablespoons of cinnamon

1 spoonful of sugar

3 drops of your perfume

5 drops of love essence (if possible containing pheromones)

Turn off the lights. After taking your usual bath, pour the potion over your shoulders so that it runs through your body. Let the liquid drain off by itself and while you repeat:

I decree that this honey, this cinnamon and this sugar will sweeten my body. This perfume and essence will attract all the loving energy to my person (say your name) so that I can awaken the passion I desire and expand all my seduction.

Stay like this for at least 5 minutes. Finally, rinse your body with water and dry yourself.

Repeat every month

Although it may seem impossible, I assure you that it works. The secret is on the one hand perseverance and on the other decreeing with a loud and firm voice, with absolute conviction.

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