3 money candles

Oil of money or prosperity

Dust attracts money or horn of plenty

Parchment paper

Magic green ink

Ritual pen

An object (preferably gold) that will serve as a ‘magnet’.

Write your request on the parchment with the green magic ink. Take the candles out of their cases and first oil them and then ‘dip’ them in the powder. Let them rest for a few hours.

Then take the amulet and oil it with money. Put the parchment and the amulet on top of it. Make a triangle with the candles – the vertex upwards – and place the amulet in the centre of this triangle. Light the candles with wooden matches, clockwise, starting from the top candle. Say out loud and sign your wish again – that is, the request you have written on the parchment.

Once the candles have been consumed, always carry the amulet that will be your prosperity magnet from now on. Keep the parchment paper together with a bank note in your wallet or safe.

Wrap the remains of the candles in something white and throw them into a container.

Don’t forget to perform this ritual during the crescent moon phase. The appropriate days are Thursday or Sunday.

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