PRAYER TO SAINT ALEXANDER To keep away enemies


Most glorious Saint Alexandria, first king of Alexandria, do not forsake me night or day, and I beg you to watch over me and keep me away from enemies who proceed in bad faith against me, deliver me and keep me away from the power of the devil, from evil men, from ferocious animals and from witches and sorceries. St. Alexius, St. Alexius, St. Alexius, I shall call upon you three times, as often as it is offered to me, to deliver me from all evil. Three crosses I offer you, which is a sign of good Christianity, so that the criminal hand may punish the villain who wishes to do me harm. So that he may break the tongue of him who would speak evil of me. I pray to you, O holy God, that you will not leave the vicinity of my house, and that all that is at my feet will be my duty. Amen. Jesus. St. Alexius of the lion, if someone wants to betray me, may God let his wings fall from his heart and come humbly to me, as Jesus came at the foot of the cross.

(When he stands up, pray five creeds to St. Alexius, three salutations to the three crosses that will be made when this prayer is made, and he will say these words: “one, two, three for St. Alexius”).

Most glorious Saint Alexandria, first king of Alexandria, do not forsake me night or day, and I beg you to watch over me and keep me away from enemies who proceed in bad faith against me, deliver me and keep me away from the power of the devil, from evil men, from ferocious animals and from witches and sorceries. St. Alexius, St. Alexius, St. Alexius, I shall call upon you three times, as often as it is offered to me, to deliver me from all evil. Three crosses I offer you, which is a sign of good Christianity, so that the criminal hand may punish the villain who wishes to do me harm. So that he may break the tongue of him who would speak evil of me. I pray to you, O holy God, that you will not leave the vicinity of my house, and that all that is at my feet will be my duty. Amen. Jesus. St. Alexius of the lion, if someone wants to betray me, may God let his wings fall from his heart and come humbly to me, as Jesus came at the foot of the cross.

(When he stands up, pray five creeds to St. Alexius, three salutations to the three crosses that will be made when this prayer is made, and he will say these words: “one, two, three for St. Alexius”).

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