Hello friends,
In this section I am going to incorporate a series of prayers that I hope will be useful to you, since sometimes it is necessary within the rituals, to be able to add them, in order to give more intensity and potentiality to our desire.
Thus, for example, in some work rituals, addressed to St. Pancras, the ideal is to address him, directly, through his particular prayer. The same applies to other saints or entities.
Or simply if you want to address a saint or any entity in a particular request, even if it is not through candles, but simply a prayer from the interior of your heart to the saint of your devotion.
I have tried to put as much variety as possible, touching on various themes, but of course, there will always be one that I have not thought of. So if you need a particular prayer, do not hesitate to ask me. I will try my best to find it for you.
I need not tell you that every prayer is a request, a plea, to the entity of your devotion, so look for a place where you are quiet, relaxed, without noise and in complete peace. A little music, a little incense, perhaps a candle to give a little light… and then let your heart speak.
St. Jude Thaddeus, intercessor in every difficult problem, get me a job where I can fulfill myself as a human and where my family does not lack enough in any aspect of life. May I keep it in spite of adverse circumstances and people. May I progress in it, always improving my quality and enjoying health and strength. And that day by day I try to be useful to those around me. I associate your intercession with the Holy Family, to which you are related and I promise to spread your devotion as an expression of my gratitude for your favours. Amen.
Lord, who has created the whole universe, and has endowed the earth with sufficient riches to feed all the men who dwell therein, come to our aid. Lord, who cares for the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, who clothes them, who nourishes them, and who makes them prosper, manifest upon us your fatherly providence. Help us, Lord, for our salvation can only come from honest and good men, Instill in the hearts of our fellow men a sense of justice, honesty, and charity. Take care of our family that trustfully expects from you the daily bread. Strengthen our bodies. Give serenity to our life, so that we may more easily correspond to Your divine grace, and feel that Your Father’s love watches over us, over our worries and anxieties. Amen.
O Don Juan del Dinero, grant that through this candle with which I invoke the sublime influence of the Eternal Father, to obtain success and advancement in all the acts of my life, to smooth out all the difficulties on my path. I invoke the help of the Holy Spirit so that the good star may light up my path. I invoke the God on high so that my business, my house, may prosper and my person may receive a message of good luck sent by Divine Providence. O Great Power I implore Your supreme Majesty that my path may be illuminated by the beacon of fortune. O Great Power of God remove from my path all obstacles that my enemies try to put in my way.
PRAYER TO SAINT EXPEDITE. (Fast money. Problems)
Lord, you have left us St. Expeditus as a model in the confession of faith, he who remained faithful and courageous to the point of preferring death to renouncing his condition as a Christian.
Grant us to discern between good and evil and to have a docile heart to follow You. Give us strength and perseverance to overcome the difficulties we encounter on our way.
Fill our soul with your spirit so that we may be your witnesses. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Blessed St. Onofre, in the name of the Great Power of God, maker of every visionary thing in the Universe, I ask you to watch over me. I bow down at your feet to present my needs to you (Make petition). I wait for St. Onofre’s blessing to achieve what I ask you here, I place my needs in your hands and in particular this one I place under your protection. Reach out to me, O Saint Onofre, with this request. Amen, Jesus; amen.
In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God in essence and triune in persons, I call upon You, Spirit, Spirit, Benefactor Spirit, to be my help, my support, to protect my body and soul, to increase my wealth, to be my treasure by the virtue of the Holy Cross, the passion and death of the Almighty; I ask you by all the Angels of the Heavenly Court, by the sufferings of the Blessed Virgin Mary evermore and by the Lord of hosts who will judge the living and the dead.
To you who are Alpha and Omega. Emperor of Kings, Messiah, Lord my God, whom all the Saints call upon, I consider you and bless you and, for your precious blood that you shed to save the sinner, I beg you to deign to celebrate my vows. Amen.
Three Our Fathers to the Most Holy Trinity and one Our Father to the Eternal Father because he follows in my footsteps. Amen.
Brother of all the Martyrs who live in this world of struggles and sufferings. I ask you for the grace to get a job to earn my daily bread and not to let me down in the joy of my well-being. Always lead me on the path of goodness and prosperity. Grant me this grace.
PRAYER TO ST. PANCRAZIO. (Health and stable work)
Glorious St. Pancrazio, I humbly ask you to intercede for me before the Lord and to grant me the precious gifts of health and work. Let me know the hidden secrets that lead to obtain health, so that I may correct my mistakes and give endless thanks to you for it. Today, remembering you in this crucial moment of my life, I appoint you as my defence lawyer, so that I may achieve the joy of life through good health and a dignified, stable and well paid job. Thank you San Pancracio for these gifts which we already take for granted. Pray an Our Father.
An image of St. Pancrazio is used during the prayer that takes place at 12 noon for 9 days in a row. The green, yellow and lilac candle should remain lit for 30 minutes.
A petition will be written on a thin paper with green ink which will be placed inside the candle to be burned with it.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, as I rise, I ask you for work, health and progress; Joseph Labrador, accompany me where I will earn my bread by the sweat of my brow, the three angels of Jesus accompany me, the seven advocates of the throne of Jesus go with me, to speak for me where I will ask.
St. Joachim, St. Paul, St. Michael, I also invoke, and these seven creeds that I pray help me for Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
O my God, if I have denied my brother bread when I had the opportunity to give it to him, whether by work or charity, forgive me my ignorance of having broken your law. (Pray three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys.)
O glorious St. Alexius, you who have the power to drive away all the evil that surrounds the chosen ones from the Lord I ask you to drive away my enemies from me. Keep me away from Satan, keep me away from the liar and sorcerer as well as from sin and finally keep away the one who comes to me to harm me. Put me so far away from the evil ones that they will never see me. Draw me near to the Lord so that with His divine grace He may cover me with all good things and reserve a place for me in the shadow of the Holy Spirit, Amen, Jesus. So be it.
O Lord St. Cyprian, You who were an advocate against all evil spells of men and evil spirits, of serpents and poisonous animals and of all stalking and sorcery.
O Blessed St. Cyprian, I ask you and beg you to free me from all harm known and to be known, to disarm all my enemies of the flesh and fleshly, to save me when I am persecuted, to interpose your influence and holiness to God so that no spell or influence can affect me.
Grant me the mighty Holy One the request I make to you so that I may continue to praise the Most High. Amen.
O God, who rejoices us with the merits and intercession of your blessed martyr St. George! Grant that we may obtain by Your grace the benefits we ask for (make petition).
May my enemies, if they have eyes, not see, if they have ears, not hear me, if they have mouths, not defame me, if they have hands, not seize me, if they have feet that cannot walk and may all the evil they desire turn against them.
For I will walk night and day, surrounded and circled by the arms of St. George, I will walk as freely as Our Lord Jesus Christ walked nine months in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Amen.
O God, you make us happy with the merits and the intercession of your blessed martyr St. George. Grant that we may obtain by Your grace the benefits we now ask for through his intercession. Through Jesus Christ, Lord. Amen.
Repeat the prayer twice a day. When we get up and when we go to bed. For 7 days on a crescent moon. The prayer is said over 6 months, starting on a Friday. The red and green candle must be lit for 30 minutes.
In the name of Almighty God, I ask your permission that as I turn this candle, all the evil they are doing to me, to my house and to everything that belongs to me, be turned to my enemies, because in God’s justice I owe them nothing, that envy, rancor and hatred, and in bad time evil, be turned against themselves. I ask the supreme power to deliver me from my enemies and that all the evil they want for me may be done in them.
Three our fathers and three birds of prey.
Santa Cruz de Caravaca! To your power I take refuge, through your lawyer I choose you and if your strength takes me out of the sorrow that attacks me today, I bring you in sorrow and sign incense, myrrh and benzoin and with a clean and pure soul a small figure of my person in metal.
Blessed and sovereign cross that works so many wonders, I acclaim you in simple sentences every day of the week and never in vain because there is no more doubt that the world is shielded by your power and that you shelter it with the shadow of your powerful help. Amen.
PRAYER OF STRENGTH AGAINST EVIL (Prayer to the Holy Cross of Caravaca)
Holy Cross of Caravaca, I take refuge in your great power so that your strength may take me away from the sorrow that afflicts me.
O heavenly cross, by Your power give me good and deliver me from all evil. Incline your ear, Lord, to my supplication, with which I implore love and understanding of my neighbour. Guide me, holy cross of Caravaca in the course of my earthly life and enlighten and preserve me in the most dangerous moments.
To be done before a cross of Caravaca during one month in a row. The white and blue candle will be lit for 15 minutes. Write on a thin paper, with yellow ink, the wish you are asking for and insert it in the candle so that it burns with it.
The Light of God surrounds me, the Love of God envelops me, the Power of God protects me, the Presence of God watches over me, wherever I am, God is with me.
The Light of God surrounds me, the Love of God envelops me, the Power of God protects me, the Presence of God watches over me, wherever I am, God is with me.
The Light of God surrounds me, the Love of God envelops me, the Power of God protects me, the Presence of God watches over me, wherever I am, God is with me.
In your name, St. Cyprian, I pray and carry my devotion. Deliver me from all danger and harm of my neighbour, deliver me from evil and from all rabid and poisonous animals, deliver me from the evil tongue of some evil-doer of mine, deliver me from the evil spell and evil exaltation, lead me in all happiness and safety in my travels, clear my way, keep away from me dangers and evildoers.
Also from all temptation of my enemies. Permit me that though they have a tongue, they may not speak to me. This grace I ask from you because of your holiness and because of what you have sworn to be a defender of the harm and dangers around man I pray you, my saint, to reach me in this way by a glorious intersection for God. Amen.
Perform twice a day. When you get up and go to bed. For 7 days on a crescent moon. To be repeated for 6 months in a row. Starting on a Friday.
“I AM” the ruling presence directing in perfect divine order, commanding the harmony, the happiness and the presence of the opulence of God in my mind, my home and my world.
Thank you Father that all is done. Amen and amen.
PRAYER TO ST. LUIS BELTRAN (against evil spells and all kinds of diseases)
Creature of God, I swear to you, I praise and bless in the name of the most holy trinity: father, son and holy spirit. Three persons and one true essence of the Virgin Mary, our lady of conception, without stains of original sin: virgin before, during and after birth. and by the glorious St. Gertrude, your dear and respected wife, eleven thousand virgins, Lord St. Joseph, St. Roch and St. Sebastian and by all the saints of your heavenly court, by your most glorious incarnation, most glorious birth, most holy passion, most glorious resurrection, ascension: For such high and most holy mysteries; that I believe and truly beseech thy divine majesty, making thy most holy mother our advocate, free and holy, to heal this afflicted creature from this sickness, evil eye, accident, and heat, and any other injury, wound, or disease. Amen. Jesus.
Not looking at the unworthiness in person who prefers such sacrosanct mysteries. With good faith I beseech You Lord, for more honor to Yourself and devotion of those present, serve Yourself by Your mercy and mercy to heal and deliver him from this wound, sore, pain, mood or disease by taking him away from this part and place. Do not allow your divine majesty to happen to him by accident, corruption or harm, giving him health so that he may serve you and fulfill your most holy will. I heal you and praise you, Jesus Christ our redeemer heal you, bless you and make your will come true. Amen. Jesus. Consumatum est. Consumatum est. Amen. Jesus.
PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL. (Defense. Protection)
Archangel St. Michael, defend us in the struggle, be our protection against the evil and the snares of the devil. O Lord our God, we pray to You and You, the prince of the heavenly militia with divine power, throw Satan and the other evil spirits that wander in the world to lose souls into hell. Amen
Holy Mary, full of God’s presence, during the days of your life you accepted with all humility the will of the Father, and the evil one was never able to entangle you with his confusions.
Already together with your son you interceded for our difficulties and, with all simplicity and patience, you gave us an example of how Our Mother, you put in order and make clearer the bonds that unite us to the Lord. Holy Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, you who with a mother’s heart untie the knots that hinder our life, we ask you to receive into your hands ………………………..
And free him from the bonds and confusions with which he harasses us who is our enemy. By your grace, through your intercession and example, free us from all evil, Our Lady, and untie the knots that prevent us from being united with God, so that, free from all confusion and error, we may find him in all things, have our hearts set on him and may serve him always in our brothers, amen.
Oh! stripping off the plunder that god gave power to create and that St. John in the chalice baptized you. I ask and beg you powerfully to stripping off the plunder, by the virtue that god gave you, that my body be stripped of its plunder and that no bullet, no blade, no military justice, no violent prayers, no incantations, no spiritualistic invocations enter it.
Mighty unstart, unstart, unstart, you will stop my enemies and unstart me from all evil.
(This prayer must be said on Tuesdays and Fridays)
Lead me, Lord, show me your gifts. Give me what I ask through the glorious, OVERCOMING ANGEL. Guide me on the right path, then guide me on the straight path so that I may worship the all-knowing; give me health and strength so that I may worship the most high who directs everything; teach me to correspond to your graces and to bless your name:
Likewise grant me, as you do to your fervent faithful, perseverance in virtue and comfort and relief from all my afflictions and sicknesses. Amen.
An Our Father is prayed and a ‘conquering’ candle is placed.
Let my supplications come to all the heavenly spirits above that they may intercede for me before the glorious throne of the Most High. Sovereign doer of all creation, that you may deign through the powerful intercession of Eloim and Gehovam to accede to this my humble request. (Say what you wish to obtain).
I beg you St. Cyprian and St. Justine not to forget this request of mine which I make to you today. Raise it to the highest. So that with your ardor and intercession I know that it will be granted to me. I thank you in advance.
Pray twice a day, in the morning and at night while the candle burns for 15 minutes. Write on a thin paper what is requested and put it into the yellow and red candle to burn with it.
Glorious martyr and blessed protector, St. Expeditus! Without paying attention to our demerits and trusting only in your merits, and what is more, in the infinity of the most precious blood of Jesus Christ, we humbly ask you to obtain for us a humble and abundant faith in good works and true fruits of eternal life, and a firm hope that never fails, even in the midst of the most bitter works and sorrows, an ardent charity that day by day inflames us more and more in divine love and makes us see in our neighbour a brother and true image of our good God. May we seek in all our thoughts, words and deeds nothing but the glory of God. May we never depart from the teaching of our holy mother, the church. May we always see in the supreme shepherd the representative of Jesus Christ on earth. We also beseech Thee, that Thou mayest obtain for us from the Lord, days of serenity and quietness for our mother church, and days of happiness and prosperity for our country. May the sick find their remedy, the guilty their forgiveness. May the righteous persevere, may the unbelievers receive, with the benefit of their souls, the light of the gospel. May those who leave this valley of tears rest in the shadow of the Lord, and may the souls of the faithful departed rest in everlasting peace. Finally, glorious martyr, may the Lord grant us the grace that we ask for through your mediation in this prayer (if it is for his greater glory) and that having confessed Jesus Christ here on earth, we may deserve, with the help of his grace, to confess him among the blessed, in the midst of the sweetness of heaven.
Amen. (Here he asks for what you wish).
Lord, give power to St. Expedite and grant me what I ask for through his intercession. Three Our Fathers, three glories.
O my father, prodigy of holiness, endowed with grace, Atlantean of heaven, wonder of the world, living image of Jesus Christ, apostolic man, judge of understandings, martyr of desire, sustainer of faith, sword against heretics, credit for the wonders of God, whom the brutes obey, the fish listen, the birds rejoice, To whose voice the seas and elements surrender, and nature ignores its laws, repairer of the world that with the lights of your teaching you exhorted and converted princes, magistrates, towns and cities, comfort of the afflicted, patriarch of the poor, staff of the elderly, patron of widows, defense of the elderly, medicine of the sick, minister of the most holy trinity. Angel. Seraphim. Patriarch. Prophet. Confessor. Virgin. Ensign of Jesus Christ. Column of the church. We beseech you, by the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by your intercession, to rejoice in the favours we ask of you in this prayer, to the greater honour and glory of our Lord God, in whose will we resign ourselves, that our desire is to see Him, our fear is to lose Him, our pain is not to enjoy Him, our joy is to love Him, and the life of our soul we desire to praise Him eternally in glory. Amen
It is recommended to use a medal or stamp of St. Francis of Assisi, during the recitation of this prayer.
Glorious Apostle of Jesus, St. Jude Thaddeus, my powerful, Protector and Advocate, I have come here to bow down at your feet to expose my spiritual and temporal needs. May you cast your loving gaze on my troubled heart and may my soul experience the feelings of your tenderness and mercy, and may it be favoured by the graces you lavish on your devotees in the hours of sorrow, obtain from your mercy. Help and protection in the present need… I place all my trust in your power. Comfort me and free me from as many sorrows as I suffer. Make me always resign myself to the will of God: never complain about the tribulation and correspond more faithfully to the love of my sweet Jesus. Amen.
PRAYER TO ST JUDAS THADEAU (in moments of great distress or when we seem to be deprived of all visible help and in cases of despair)
St. Jude, glorious apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus The name of the traitor who delivered your beloved master into the hands of his enemies has been the cause of oblivion for many, but the church honours you and invokes you as the universal patron of desperate cases. Pray for me, who am so miserable, I implore you to use the particular privilege granted to you of providing prompt and visible help in desperate cases. Come to my assistance in this great need and may I receive consolation and help from heaven in all my needs, tribulations and sufferings, especially… (the request is made) and may I bless God with you and all the chosen ones for all eternity. I promise you, O blessed St. Jude, not to forget this great favour, not to cease to honour you, as my special and powerful patron. And with all my strength to foster devotion to you. Amen.
Dearly beloved Saint, to you I come with the faith of my Christian soul to seek comfort and to beg you with all my affection to obtain for me through your powerful intercession the grace which I am asking you (say petition). Here before your image I leave the need of my supplication.
You are my hope. You are my comfort of your divine providence be in me at every moment.
Pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary.
Most glorious St. Peter, prince of the church and of the apostles, whose seat you established in Rome, and near the throne of the Caesars, fighting the error and impiety of the Gentileism that dominated the world, confusing the impiety of Simon the Magician in the sight of an immense people, in the presence of the emperor Nero himself, making the name of Jesus Christ triumph; make us one of those who, believing in the true God, do not listen to the devil’s advice, nor let themselves be surprised by his wiles, but by putting all our trust in God and imitating in everything your faith, your charity and your immense virtue, deserve eternal beatitude. Amen.
It is recommended that a medal or a holy card of St. Peter be worn during the recitation of this prayer.
Glorious Saint Lucia, who closed her eyes to earthly things, deserved to open them with better sight to heavenly ones, enjoying adorned with the aureoles of virgin and martyr, the clear vision of God; grant me of your majesty, that enlightened with your grace the eyes of my understanding, close them always to the things of earth, and open them only to those of heaven, I may come to see you in bliss, through the purity of the soul and the martyrdom or overcoming of my body. and reach out to me also the favour I ask in this prayer, if you know it will be for the greater glory of your holy spouse and my good. Amen.
Hail, glorious St. Rita, whose birth was an omen of future holiness, as seen later in your childhood, when bees came to form a honeycomb on your lips, and whose name, revealed by heaven, means righteousness, for this was always the rule of your life; obtain for me from the Lord what I ask in this prayer, and may I taste the sweetness of your words and may your imagination run safely along the path of your divine precepts, which alone leads to supreme happiness. Amen.
Omnipotent and eternal God, who has been pleased to give us in Saint Therese a model of love and filial devotion to you, our most loving father: We thank You for this favour and we ask You to help us correct our faults, to acquire true virtue, to love You with all our heart and to please You in everything, not to deny You any sacrifice that You may demand of us and to give You pleasure for our readiness to fulfil, as loving children, everything that You may send us, so that You may always be our father, whose only wish is to see us happy on earth and one day in heaven. And you, St. Therese, who have taught us practically how to become a child in order to reach the heart of God through a safe path and through this divine heart to the kingdom of heaven; give us the grace to always be very humble and simple in our thinking and acting, pure and chaste in all our life, so that we may deserve a place in the house of our heavenly father. Amen.
PRAYER TO SEBASTIAN DE APARICIO “the blessed” (to find lost objects)
I beg you, St. Apparicius, as the child Jesus appeared by your power and patience, make also all that I am looking for appear when I invoke your glorious name, let all my lost good appear, when I pass through some rough transit let my guardian angel sent by God appear in my company; intercede for me, as my lips pronounce the three words: “I will never ask you for the impossible, everything will be just and religiously I will own it, so as the lost child appeared, which you yourself gave to the legitimate mother. I also want you to do it with what belongs to me. Amen Jesus.
Praise to St. Aparicio
Celebrate every Christian
The sweet name Aparicio
May his powerful hand
Give us the lost.
(Here you ask for what you want)
note: this prayer will be made as soon as something is lost or wanted to appear.
There are lions and lionesses that come against me: stop, as my Lord Jesus Christ stopped before the “dominus deo” saying to the just judge: “Lord, I see my enemies coming and that is why I ask you that their eyes do not see me, that their hands do not touch me, that their mouths do not speak to me, that their steps do not reach me. That holy shirt in which your son was wrapped is the same one I am wearing, and by it I am to be free from prisons, from evil tongues, from sorceries and spells; and for this I commend myself to all that is angelic and sacrosanct, and the holy gospels protect me, for first the son of God was born. May you come down to me, as the Lord has thrown down his enemies on the day of Easter. Whom you trust is the Virgin Mary and the consecrated host to be celebrated with the milk of the virgin breasts of the most holy Mary. Therefore I ask you to see me free from prisons, not to be wounded, not to be run over, not to have my blood spilled, not to die of sudden death, I also entrust myself to the holy Veracruz. God with me, I with him, God before him, I behind him. Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
A creed shall be prayed every day to the great power of God and to save the most holy virgin, and he who carries the prayer with him must put his name. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen. Jesus.
Most wise child Jesus of Atocha, general protector of all men, general protector of the helpless, divine physician of any disease. Most powerful child, I greet you, I praise you on this day and I offer you these three Our Fathers, Hail Marys with glory, in memory of that day you made, incarnated in the very pure womb of your most loving mother, from that holy city of Jerusalem to Bethlehem.
For these memories that I make this day, I ask you to grant me what I beg, for which I present these merits and accompany them with those of the choir of cherubim and seraphim, who are adorned with perfect wisdom, for which I hope, most precious child of atocha, happy dispatch in what I beg and intend of you, and I am certain that I will not leave you disconsolate, and will achieve a good death, to come to accompany you in the crib of glory. Amen.
(Here the petition is made and three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glory Be are prayed).
You, Lord, King of Justice, make divine truth prevail through your twelve ministers. Grant me light and forgiveness.
Make your breast strong and powerful my shield for the eyes of my enemies never to find me. Lend me your warrior’s strength to fight injustice and accept my devotion which I offer to you from my heart.
Let justice be done for all and forever. Grant me the grace to receive the light and to deserve your protection.
Almighty and everlasting God, in whose presence the death of the just is precious and the death of the sinner abominable, I humbly beg you by the most holy death of your most sweet Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ and through the intercession of your servant St. Isidore the Farmer, give me the final perseverance in your grace and a happy and holy death, embracing in your love and pronouncing the sweetest names of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. So be it.
Health, Money and Love, happiness longed for by all in Game and Love; I always have you in my mind – O Don Juan of Good Luck – I make this invocation to you so that you may help me in some way. You who have always protected the needy gambler, who has always been poor and helpless and trusted in You. – So be it – Amen
Lord, draw near to all who live in solitude
And whose heart is about to fail.
Adopt them.
It is so hard to live in abandonment, without a mother, a wife and children!
It’s so humiliating to know that others are bothered with their sorrows!
It revives those who live in the desert that their selfishness creates around them.
And when the leaden evening oppresses her breast;
When their burning temples strike hard
When the rope or the gun obsesses them like a
Nightmare, but also as a possible release
Ah! in such a dreadful dryness send them the freshness and tenderness of your comfort.
I invoke the sublime influence of the Eternal Father to obtain success and advancement in all the affairs of my life and to smooth out all difficulties in my path. I invoke the help of the Holy Spirit, so that the good star may light up my path and frighten away the bad shadow that follows me.
I call upon the God on high, so that my house may prosper, although my business and person may receive a message of good luck sent by Divine Providence.
O Great Occult Power, I implore your supreme majesty to turn me from danger, at the right time, and that my path may be illuminated by the Lighthouse of Fortune. I shall receive the infinite blessings of Heaven.
I believe in God the Father Almighty. Amen.
Oh, mysterious spirit that directs all the threads of our life! Come down to my humble abode; enlighten me to obtain through the secret vagaries of the lottery, the prize that will give me fortune and with it the happiness and welfare that my soul will receive; observe my intentions which are pure and healthy and are directed to the good and benefit of me and of mankind in general. I do not ambition wealth to show myself selfish or tyrannical; I desire money to buy me the peace of my soul, the fortune of what I love, and the prosperity of my hope. Oh! Sovereign Spirit, if you think that I should spend yet many days on earth, suffering the discomforts that destiny is repairing to me, your will be done; I resign myself to your decree but bear in mind my sound purposes at this time when I invoke you the need in which I find myself and if it is written in the book of my destiny, may my vows which are expressed in all sincerity in my heart be satisfactorily attended to. Amen.
How many times will I forgive my brother? I will forgive him, not seven times, but seventy times seven times. Here is a saying of Jesus that will attract your attention and speak loudly to our hearts. Look at those words of mercy of creation so simple, so summarised and so great in its aspirations that Jesus gives to his disciples, you will always find the same thought. And he answers Peter “You will forgive but without limit. You will always forgive whatever offense is committed against you; you will teach your brothers that forgetfulness of self that makes them invulnerable to attack, bad acts and insults: you will be gentle and humble of heart, never measuring their meekness; you will finally do what you wish the Father to do for you.
Forgive, be indulgent, charitable and even lavish with your years. Give, for the Lord will give; forgive, for the Lord will forgive; get down, for the Lord will lift you up; humble yourselves, for the Lord will make you sit at His right hand.
Spiritists, never forget that both in word and deed, forgiveness of wrongdoing should not be a vain word; if you call yourselves Spiritists, be so: forget the evil that may have been done to you, and think only of one thing, the good that you may do. God knows what dwells in the heart of each one, happy, for he who can fall asleep every day saying: “I have nothing against my neighbour”.
O benign Angel of my guardian, my tutor!
Teacher, guide, tutor, defender and most wise counselor and most faithful friend of mine,
to whom I am entrusted by the goodness of the Lord from the point of my birth,
Until the last hour of my life,
How much reverence I owe you, knowing that you are present where I am!
And how much devotion I must serve you, for the love with which you look upon me!
And what great confidence I must have in having you by my side, for my defence!
Well, show me, Holy Angel:
Protect and guide me on the right and safe way to that holy city and do not allow
May I do in your presence something that offends you and that I would not dare to do without shame in front of another man like me;
Represent my desires and misery to the Lord,
Give me the remedy for them,
In his infinite goodness.
Lead me, Lord, and show me your gifts, to be grateful for such liberality, and thus through the archangel St. Raphael lead me, as you led young Tobias and taught him to reciprocate your graces and to bless your name; through intercession, deliver me also from my ingratitude, and make him acknowledge your incomprehensible favours, so that he may magnify your mercies through them.
grant me, like Tobias, the existence of your holy angel, the gift of counsel of all my doubts; perseverance in virtue and universally, comfort and relief in all my afflictions and sicknesses. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary. This prayer should be made daily to the archangel.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in our struggle; be our protection against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God manifest power over him, is our humble prayer. And you, Prince of the heavenly militia, with the strength God has conferred upon you, cast into hell Satan and the other evil spirits that roam the world for the perdition of souls.
PRAYER TO ST. MIGUEL ARCANGEL (when you feel attacked by passions)
God and Lord of the angels, to whom you entrust the keeping of men: I offer you the merits of these sovereign spirits and those of the prince of the angels, who by himself and through his ministers keeps human nature, so that you may keep me from all sin and grant me angelic purity. Most glorious prince of the court of heaven, most excellent archangel St. Michael, great prime minister of God, friend of Jesus Christ and very much favoured by his most holy mother, defender of the church and advocate of men, since you so favour your devotees, make me know how to love and serve them. Reach out to me from the Lord what I desire and ask in this prayer for the greater honour and glory of Him the benefit of my soul. Amen.
Michael, Michael, Michael, Prince of the archangels, from the grateful hearts of all flow songs of praise. Through Your Heavenly Presence all on Earth worship You. God who comes from the Sun with all that the name implies.
Michael, Michael, Michael, may the Guardian Angels of your Heavenly legions come to set all free. Purify, enlighten, manifest the glory of the perfection of the Light that all can be.
Jophiel and Chamuel, Gabriel and Raphael, Uriel and Zadkiel and powerful Hosts of Light. Cherubs and Seraphim from the Realms of Glory now tear the veil that blurs our human vision.
Blessed Seven Archangels, asking for enlightenment, we invoke your presence in hymns of praise to you. Keep us consecrated in the fulfilment of God’s Plan so that we may, in purity, be your ministers.
I lifted my eyes to you, O eternal one, and felt invigorated. You who are my strength, do not forsake me in this trial; in your infinite goodness I hope through you to regain my health so that I may follow you. I am burdened under the weight of my iniquities, but help me, for I know well the weaknesses of my spirit. Don’t turn your eyes away from me! and give me the opportunity that, saving my mistakes, my spirit may serve you till the end of my days. Amen.
Recite 3 or 4 times a day during a week of the crescent moon. Light a green candle for 30 minutes in each prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven, as the sun shines on the earth and gives it colour and life, he reminds us of your love. Because it is in you that we live, move and exist. Just as you have been among us many times. In the time of difficulty, in the past, continue to bless us now with your help. See, Lord, with goodness what is being done for my benefit. Guide with wisdom the doctor and all those who care for my needs. Lend them your healing strength, so that health and strength may be restored to me. And I will thank you for your generous and caring care. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of men, Who in Your passion wanted to bear our sufferings and endure our pains; we ask You through …. that he is sick; You who redeemed him, revive in him the hope of his salvation and comfort his body and soul. You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
To you I have recourse, O St. Joseph, protector of the dying, who at your death were present Jesus and Mary. For the love you had for them, I ask you for this brother or sister of ours, who is in the moment of agony, under your protection, deliver him or her from the snares of the enemy, and free him or her from eternal death, to reach Eternal glory. Amen.
Lord, Father of mercy, God of all consolation, in the immensity of your love, look upon this brother or sister of ours in his or her pain. Through the passion and death of your only Son grant him the grace of repentance and forgiveness so that he may find in you a merciful judge on the path of this life. And already purified from all stain by the very Blood of your Son, may he thus enter into eternal life. Most gracious Virgin, Mother of God, consoler of those who suffer, intercede with your divine Son for this brother or sister of ours. Help him with your motherly help so that he will not fear the anguish of death but will pass joyfully, guided by you, into the home of the blessed.
In the name of God Almighty, I ask you for heavenly authority so that when I set this prayer behind the front door of my home, I may remove all my enemies and that the evil they may want to do to me may evaporate in the infinite space, because I do evil to no one and that God Almighty may bless my home and that our daily bread may never be lacking.
May God remove from us all evil thoughts, hatred and wickedness, for no one I desire to do evil.
From today in our home will reign harmony and the lavish gift of our sublime God who thinks everything and overcomes everything.
O divine Providence, grant me your mercy and your infinite goodness! Kneeling to your plants, charity is a wonder. I ask you for my house, clothing and sustenance. Grant them health, lead them on the right path. May virtue always guide them in their destiny. You are all my hope. You are my comfort. In which my mind reaches, in you I believe, in you I hope, and in you I trust. Your divine Providence extends to every moment. So that we will never lack: house, clothing and sustenance.
We beseech You, Jesus, for all our relatives and loved ones and we ask You to be always ready to pray for them. Lead them to the light of truth, keep them always in that Truth, if by joy they already possess it; keep them in a state of grace and grant them the gift of perseverance. We ask You for our relatives, parents and Mothers; for our children, for each one of them; in particular; for our cousins and all our kin; for our closest friends; for our teachers and pupils; for our bosses and employers; for our Servants and workers; for our partners and Co-workers; for our neighbours and for our superiors; for all those who love Us well and for those who do not love Us; for Our enemies; for our competitors and rivals; for those who insult and slander Us. We pray for them, not only in this life, but also in their death, that they may have the joy of dying in God’s grace, that God may deign to shorten the time of their atonement and admit them to His presence. Amen.
Peace, Lord, I am one of the mortals, who perhaps walks the darkest in my path; therefore, I can be guided and not lead. But from your greatness all things are expected, I want peace as bread from my home, peace as from the poor, peace as from the tyrants and enemies, that in our brains may shine and that all of us may drink from the same source, so that when our spirits are restored, only peace, tranquillity and harmony may be transported to the world of beauty.
O sacred peace that flees from our hearts with the weight of our guilt, do not abandon us, we know that the spirit of God is the spirit of peace.
Cover us with the veil of Your grace and the radiance of Your magnificence. Glory to God in the highest and Peace among men of goodwill.
Our child, Lord, is also yours; He is far from us, But he is with you And your fatherhood comforts us. In you we will remain united. You see what we do not see; You can do what we cannot; You are lovingly provident. Remove all danger from him. Protect him now that he is far from home. We trust in you, because you are the best of parents. Amen.
Sweetest ever virgin Mary of Mercy, most benign mother of God, shining star of the sea. beautiful moon without the waning of guilt, chosen like the sun listen, madam, to our prayers, you who benignly attended from heaven to the sad lamentations of the miserable captives, who groaned without consolation in the hard oppression of the Mohammedan barbarians, breaking the crickets and chains that imprisoned them, through your religion of redeemers, by this deep ardour of your charity we ask you, sweetest mary, to break the chains of our guilt, so that free of them, we may deserve to achieve what we ask you in this prayer. Amen.
(Now three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys are prayed with patriarchal glory in reverence of what the Blessed Virgin suffered in that hour when she saw her most holy son expire and the redemption of the human race be consumed)
It is recommended to wear a medal of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. It is recommended that a medal of Our Lady of Mercy be worn during the prayer.
O most holy and sweet virgin Mary, mother of God, daughter of the supreme king and mistress of the angels, mother of the breeder of all, queen of mercies, immense abyss of mercy! Receive us under your protection and protection all those who ask for your favour, remedying the needs of all those who afflict you, as the stories tell and those who in all times have implored your patronage by devoutly visiting your temples, and especially the sanctuary in the image of a ruler, where you seem to have wanted to show your power and charity more, for in this temple, and through it your image, all find their remedy and their consolation; The navigators in the greatest storms, invoking you as lady of the rule, are free from such manifest danger, and in the longest and most dangerous navigations, making a vow to their sanctuary of rule, they happily reach the port they desire. Those who are persecuted by their enemies are saved by devotion to your image. Those who are sick from all sicknesses (even those already deplored by doctors) in this your house and through you are healed. Venerating, O Queen of Heaven, this your image of rule, we implore your patronage and favor, asking you to grant us of your precious son the comfort of a good conscience, health and strength to serve and venerate you; the remedy of our needs and especially that of the one for whom we make this prayer to you. We hope, madam, through your intercession, to obtain what we ask for, even though our faults deserve it, for the efficacy of your prayers. Amen.
Most gracious queen and blessed lady of the angels, most holy Mary of the snow, health of the sick, comfort of the afflicted, joy of the sad, refuge of sinners and universal shelter of all your devotees; at your sacred feet, most merciful mother, a daughter of yours bows down, in need I come from all comfort and protection, and since you have deigned, madam, to show your most benign face in your prodigious image whom we all venerate with the title of snow, and who is found in a well of crystal clear and sweet waters, you express in it your kindness and mercies, liberally granting innumerable favours to your devotees with rare wonders and marvels; humbly i ask you, madam, deign by your clemency to reach out to me from your beloved son and my god, living faith, firm hope and burning charity, so that by burning my soul in the love of the highest good and cleansed from all affection, I may achieve through your intercession to have my pleas heard on the throne of divine piety and to worship you eternally in glory. Amen
Five Hail Marys and the glory of the Father when making the desired request.
It is recommended to wear a medal of ntra. It is recommended that a medal of Our Lady of the Snows be worn during the prayer.
O merciful Virgin of Loreto, advocate and protector of the homes, pour out upon us, who place ourselves under Your protection, Your most holy blessing and remove from our souls and from our homes the divisions, conflicts and tensions among those who dwell in them. Relieve our sorrows, teach us to live in harmony and enable us, with your help, to find the resources and know how to build a true home with them. Always keep a roof over our heads, a room to share with our family and friends, and an atmosphere of peace in which we can love and serve one another.
Our most pious Virgin welcomes our prayers with the sweetness and mercy that God has placed in your heart. We ask this through your son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
A Hail Mary is prayed and glory is given to the Father.
O lofty Lady! That you alone have found grace before the Lord from the first moment of your being. I humbly beg you to receive with pleasure the short gift of this prayer (to say three Hail Marys), so that being pleasing to your most holy son and to you, you may grant me this privilege (to say petition).
Hear my pleas and accept them graciously. Amen.
This prayer is a copy of the one left by the Virgin of Charity of Copper for women. The three John’s devoted to the charity of copper, were sailing on the sea when a water storm hit them, they were lost and drowning when they called for her by pressing hard on her relic. appeared to them in the canoe, saved the three, John the Hater, John the Indian and John the Slave and said these words to them, “know my dear children that I am the queen and mother of God the Almighty: and those who believe in my great power and are devoted to me, will always keep my holy card in a relic to accompany them, and with it they will be free from all evil things, they will be free from sudden death…no dog with rabies can bite them, nor any kind of bad animals…they will be free from accidents and even if a woman is alone she will not be afraid of anyone, because she will never see visions of any dead person, nor bad things saying this: “charity be with me and her son…with the holy gospels and the cross on which he died. Amen. Jesus.” And then he said to John the slave, “John here left this prayer so that when a woman is in labour and suffers from pains, he may place her on his own belly making the sign of the cross, in memory of the seven pains that I had so strongly, and that from the heights of heaven she and the creature may reach the blessing of God. She shall also pray a creed to the great power of god and a hail to the most holy virgin of charity, thus having a safe delivery. Amen. Jesus.
THE HOLY VIRGIN AND MARTYR BARBARA (special advocate against lightning, trembling and fire)
Sovereign and eternal God, admirable in Your saints, especially in the glorious virgin and martyr St. Barbara, whom You prevented with Your grace for whose faith at the age of twelve she suffered imprisonment, scourging and other cruel martyrdoms, until she was beheaded by her own father, in whose transit she asked You to give her thanks: that those who availed themselves of her intercession might be free from evil, and that she might help them in the hour of death, not allowing them to die without the holy sacraments, and you granted her this, assuring her that her request had been heard; i pray you, lord, by the merits of your dear holy wife barbara, who was strengthened by your omnipotence and enlightened by your wisdom and burning with your love, grant me strength to resist the temptations, to know and mourn my faults and your love, so that I may deserve the patronage of this holy virgin and especially at the hour of my death, when strengthened by the holy sacraments and through them and the intercession of the saint, to enjoy in her company with you in glory, where you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
Little mother, mother of the mixed race, I xxxxx faithful believer in your power, I pray in the name of Divine Providence to help me, to deliver me from all evil and to give me your holy protection, you who have come to the heavenly court, you preside over the Indian court and are surrounded by archangel angels and seraphim, I xxxxx admirer and believer in you, I ask in the name of God, to radiate to me love, harmony, peace and prosperity; I ask you, O my Queen, to deign to guard my home and person against envy, bad faith and all bad influences.
Grant me the grace I am asking you (to make the request), enlighten me and be with me always. Amen.
Monarch Queen Maria Lionza. Your worship is glory, your name is divine, your love is the torch that lights the way of your conscience, pour out your light of faith and hope to the Divine Jesus. Queen Mary Lionza, by your power, by the seven Spirits who are with you, do not let the stars curse or the sky erase my illusion, nor let Satan and witches destroy this poor heart of mine.
I pray to you in the company of the Spirit of the monarch Hogun Balenillo, the Spirit of Candelo Sédife, the Spirit of Gede limbo, the Spirit of Saul lemba; for without you I have no joy and comfort, nor does heaven have glory, nor does the heart live and so it serves me to live in this world without compass and direction, without oar and rudder. Three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and the merits of Jesus Christ are prayed to him. Amen.
Deliver me, Lord, I beg you with all my heart from all the past, present and future evils of my soul and body that may afflict me, granting me for your goodness peace, health, tranquillity and all that may redound to your honour and glory. Be merciful to me, my God and Creator, and grant me peace and health during my life, so that this your creature may always be assisted by the help of your mercy and may never be a slave of sin or fear of any disturbance; by the same Jesus Christ your son, our Lord, who being God lives in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever and ever. So be it. May the peace of the Lord be always with you. So be it. May this heavenly peace, Lord, which you have left to your disciples, remain always firm in my heart and be always between me and my enemies like an insurmountable wall. May the peace Lord, your face, your body help me and protect my soul and body. May it be so. Lamb of God, born of the Virgin Mary, who by being on the cross has washed the world from its sins, have mercy on my soul and body; Christ the Lamb of God, slain for the sake of the world, have mercy on my soul and body; Lamb of God, through whom all the faithful are saved, give me your eternal peace both in the life of death and in the death of life. So be it.
Oh great God! By whom all things have been freed, deliver me from evil, O great God, who has granted your comfort to all beings, grant it to me too, O great God, who has helped and assisted those who have pleaded with You, help and assist me in all my needs, miseries, undertakings and dangers: deliver me from all obstacles put in my way by my enemies, both visible and invisible, in the name of the Father, who has created the whole world; in the name of the Son, who has fulfilled the law in all its perfection; I bow down at Your feet and take refuge in Your protection. So be it. May the blessing of God the Father, whose word alone has done everything, be always with me; may the blessing of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, be always with me; may the blessing of the Holy Spirit, with his seven gifts, be always with me; may the blessing of the Virgin Mary, with her divine Son, be always with me. So be it.
O God the Creator, Saviour and Glorifier! Grant, Lord, that the blessing of the Holy Angels, Archangels, virtues, powers, thrones, dominions, cherubim, and seraphim, may be always with You. Amen. May the blessing of all the heavens and the blessing of God be always with me. Amen. May the blessings of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins and all the Saints be always with me Amen. May the friendship of Almighty God sustain and protect me; may His eternal goodness lead me; may His boundless charity inflame me; may His supreme divinity guide me; may the power of the Father preserve and strengthen me, because the Father is peace; may the wisdom of the Son enliven and enlighten me, because the Son is life; may the virtue of the Holy Spirit comfort and soothe me, because the Holy Spirit is health. May God’s divinity bless me; may His mercy encourage me, may His love keep me; may He be always among my enemies both visible and invisible. So be it. O Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on this sinner. Amen.
Oh, Manuel! Defend me against the common and evil enemy, and against all my visible and invisible enemies, and deliver me from evil. Jesus Christ the king, came in peace and the fiery war of his house is the peace of the souls, who never knew it. Jesus Christ triumphs, Jesus Christ reigns, Jesus Christ commands; may Jesus Christ keep me from all evil and from the peace I long for. Behold the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let my enemies flee in his sight, for the Lion of the tribe of Juda has triumphed; race of David, Alleluia, Hallelujah. Savior of the world, save me by your precious blood; help me by your blessed cross. Merciful God, immortal God, be my guide, protect me, my God, O Agios Otheos, Agios Ischyros, Agios Athanatos, Eleyson Himas, Holy God, Mighty God, Merciful and immortal God, have mercy on me, your creature, be my support and guide. Lord, do not abandon me, do not disregard my prayers; God of my salvation, help me always. God of my salvation, help me always. Amen.
Enlighten my eyes with the true light, so that they will not remain closed in eternal sleep, for fear that my enemy may say that I have overtaken him. As long as the Lord is with me, I will not have to fear the wickedness of my enemies, O sweet Jesus, keep me, help me, save me. May the name of Jesus alone bend every knee, both heavenly and earthly and hellish, and may every tongue publish that Our Lord Jesus Christ enjoys the glory of His Father. So be it. I know perfectly, and I do not even doubt it, that on the day I shall call upon the Lord at that very moment I shall be saved. Most sweet Lord Jesus Christ, beloved Son of the great living God, who has done so many and such great miracles by the power of your most precious name alone and has abundantly enriched the poor, since, before Him and by virtue alone, the blind saw, the deaf heard, the dumb spoke, the lepers were healed, the sick were healed and the dead were raised; For as soon as such a sweet name was uttered, the ear felt enchanted and rejuvenated, and the mouth filled with all that is most pleasant in this world, and at the mere utterance of it, all temptations, even the worst, disappeared; all demons fled and all diseases were cured: All the quarrels and struggles of life, both of the flesh and of the devil, were fought over, and the soul felt itself filled with all the heavenly gifts; For whosoever shall call upon the holy name of God shall be saved; this holy name, yea, spoken by the angel before Jesus was conceived in the womb of the holy Virgin, shall be praised and exalted above all forever. Amen.
Oh, sweet Name! The name of Jesus, the name of life, health, joy, goodness, love; a precious, joyful, glorious and pleasant name; a name that strengthens the sinner; a name that saves, leads, governs and preserves everything. By the power of this most sweet Name, may the devil be driven away from me. Enlighten me, Lord, for I am blind; dispel my deafness, straighten me, for I am lame; restore my speech for I am dumb; cure my leprosy, restore my health and, in a word, resurrect me, for I am dead. Give me life and encircle me everywhere that I may be buckled and fortified with that Holy Name living always in voice, praising and honouring you, because everything is due to you and you are the most worthy of glory. Most pious Jesus, grant me the blessings and tranquillity that your chosen ones enjoy, and make the devil flee from my side; cure me of the sicknesses that I suffer, physical and moral, and I will bless your name with the same faith that I have now, not knowing if I am worthy of your mercy; You will always be in my heart, even if you do not pity me, and I am sure, with my worship, even if you do not hear me, if I do not rejoice at least I will not suffer, because the devil will run away from me for not listening without anger and grief to my prayer to you, full of humility and love. Goodness as holy as yours will not fail to extend to this sinner, who begs and pleads with all his soul, heart and life, to take him under your protection and shelter so that he may be free from temptations so that he may live and die in your Holy Grace. Amen.
Jesus, Son of a Mother, Saviour of the world, may the Lord be merciful, sweet and favourable to me; may He remind me of a healthy and upright spirit to render Him the vassalage due to Him, who is the liberator of the world. No one could lay a hand on Him, for His hour had not come: He who was, who is, and who will always be God and man, the beginning and the end. May this prayer that I address to you guarantee me eternally against my enemies. Amen. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews and Redeemer of the world, look upon this unhappy soul who humbles herself before you and still believes herself unworthy of kneeling before such great excellence and give me the peace I long for. Amen. Have mercy on me, who am a poor sinner and miserable creature, lead me according to your sweetness on the way of eternal salvation. Amen. At the time when the good Jesus was accomplishing his redemptive mission on earth, the Jewish priests who did not understand him sent emissaries to apprehend him. And Jesus, knowing the things that must happen to him, came to them and said, ‘Whom do you seek? And they answered, Jesus of Nazareth. And Jesus answered them, I am he. And when Judas, who was among them and was to betray him, had told them that it was he, they all fell down to the ground. Who is it that you seek? Jesus asked them again, and when they answered that it was Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus said to them, “I told you that it is I, and if it is I that you seek, let those go (referring to his disciples). And Jesus passed through their midst, and no one dared lay an unholy hand on him, for his hour had not come. The spear, the nails, the cross, the thorns that you have suffered prove, Lord, that you have blotted out and atoned for the crimes of the wretched. Preserve me, Lord Jesus Christ, from the ambushes that my enemies prepare for me, for your five wounds serve me continually as a remedy. Jesus is the star; Jesus is the life; Jesus has suffered; Jesus has been crucified; Jesus, the Son of the living God, have mercy on me. Amen.