3 green sails. 3 golden ones. 3 silver ones
Gold rain oil
Silver rain oil
Powder money
Green ink
Ritual pen
3 incenses (frankincense, cinnamon and coconut)
Several legal tender coins (odd number)
Green belt
Cup of water
To make a crescent moon Tuesday
Light one incense of each type. Write on the parchment, with the full name and address of your business, 7 wishes concerning your shop or business. Smear it with the oils, fill it with the powders. Roll it up and tie 7 knots with the green ribbon. At each knot you make, say out loud one of the 7 wishes you wrote on the parchment earlier
Place the 9 candles in a circle. Place the coins, the cup of water and the parchment inside the circle. Add a few drops of each oil and a pinch of the powder to the water in the cup. Leave to stand.
Light 3 more incenses and light the candles clockwise.
When all the candles have burned out, store the remaining wax along with the parchment and coins in your safe or in the cash register or similar. Take the glass and splash it around all the corners of your shop, particularly where you keep the money, not forgetting the front door. Don’t forget to do everything clockwise.
Every morning burn the incense in your business.