God is the greatest employer in the world. I trust in His great abundance and that He will give me the best job I have ever had. A job where I will be happy. I will be prosperous, because I will have many opportunities for advancement. A job where the working environment is wonderful. A job where my bosses are God-fearing and provide a warm and fair environment for their employees. Therefore, I will last a long time in that job and I will feel happy working where God has many good things for me, in harmony with everybody.
In gratitude, I will always be happy, sharing with everyone the joys of the Lord, teaching quietly with humility and with my example, constancy, loyalty, serenity, responsibility and giving every day with much joy, the best of me, so that what I do with love, is for the benefit of many people. Amen, thank you Father that you have heard me and this is done.

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